Prayer Requests

Bill McCrumb
Barb McCrumb is asking for prayers for her husband Bill...for comfort and healing. He has pneumonia in both lungs and asthma exacerbation!
Becki Mcchesney
Please pray for Becki Mcchesney who recently had surgery.
Joe Reihm Surgery
Please pray for Joe tomorrow; he has surgery at 11:30 for the defibrillator. We ask the Lord to guide the doctor's hands as he puts the wires to his heart. He said the right one is a piece of cake the left one is more tricky and he doesn't want to puncture the heart. Thank you all for your prayers! Sally and Joe Reihm
Jane Campbell's Sister
Please pray for Jane Campbell's sister, Sara. She fell backward on Christmas morning and has a severe head concussion. She is in the hospital in Phoenix. Someone has to be with her constantly. Thank you for your prayers!
Chaplain Keith (post spinal surgery)
I usually don't ask for prayers for myself because there's always someone who needs them worse then me . I'm at a point now I really need your prayers. The spinal surgery I had last year didn't work and I'm now getting much worse . I have days I can't walk or get out of bed. Plus the loss of feeling on my right side has gotten worse. The doctors told me if the surgery didn't work there's nothing more they can do. The damage to my back is too far gone so I could really use prayers from my Church family. Thank you and God bless. Chaplain Keith
Dub Crisp
My brother (Dub Crisp) is in stage 4 renal failure and only one stage left till he is in transplant range. He has an appointment in April with the transplant surgeon. - Pam Williams
Emmer back in the hospital.
Please continue to pray for Emmer who is back in the hospital and has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Her heart is only functioning at 20%,. She needs to remain calm but is having a difficult time with anxiety. She is very scared and needs a lot of prayers. Thank you all.
Passing away of Charlie.
Charlie passed away this morning. Please pray for Donna and his family.
Gladys and Dee Taylor in Kentucky
Please pray for my dear friends, Gladys and Dee Taylor in Kentucky. Gladys is bedridden and Dee is in the hospital. They want desperately to be together!
Scheduled Surgery
My sister Pat in Amarillo, is scheduled for her surgery Tuesday. She is strong but needs all the prayers possible.
Possible Leg Amputation
My sister Pat in Amarillo, Texas is very ill and may have to have a leg amputated. Please say a prayer for her and her daughters who have decisions to make.
Bob & Becky McChesney
Pray for Bob & Becky McChesney as they travel back to Iowa. Bob learned this morning that his younger brother passed away.
Donna and Willard Moody
Please pray for Donna Moody who had horse accident. She is in Tucson and will have surgery this afternoon. Please remember her husband Willard too.
Pray for Ricky Linton
Ricky Linton is in the Chandler Regional hospital. Please pray that the Lord will give the doctors wisdom in treating her. Pray for Ricky as she has tests done today. Also pray for Ken that he will have added strength!
Urgent Prayer Needed
We need some prayers for some friends of our ours right now. My friend Stephanie has 5 beautiful children and 1 on the way; and her husband Sam was diagnosed with Leukemia. He has been moved to the University Medical Center in Tucson and they have begun chemo. It had to be put off yesterday however due to bleeding in his lungs from a common cold from what I understand ? The Hubbell Family are looking to the Lord for great healing and ask for all the help they can get from prayer warriors in Jesus name we are all praying , please add them to your prayer list too. Thank you -Jesse Cherry

Prayer Needed
Please lift up in your prayers 5 day old Olivia Jaques. She is our great-niece and has been transported from Cheyenne, WY to Denver, CO Children's Hospital with an unknown virus. Pray for wisdom for the doctors to figure out how to treat this precious gift from God. And pray for comfort and peace for her parents, Julie and Charles and her little sister, Sophia.
Bill & Barb McCrumb
Update: We want to thank everyone for your prayers for our son Andrew Rausch. He has been in the Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis since July 9th. He had an LVAD (Left Ventricle Assist Device), implanted on his heart in Dec. 2014. He was experiencing problems and had already returned to St. Louis when the LVAD failed. Fortunately, his heart continued to faintly beat and he went into surgery to have the LVAD replaced. After being in an induced coma for 18 days, he is recovering slowly. Because of continued prayers, he is now able to talk, and eat, and use his hands, and he is learning to walk again. Andrew is moving to a rehab facility in St. Louis to gain strength and continue physical therapy. We praise God every day for the doctors, friends, and family that have supported him during this ordeal. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!!! Grateful Friends in Christ, Butch and Sherry Rausch
Please pray for Bart
Good Evening Friends,
My Friend Bart needs your prayers. The Dr.'s found a tumor and are doing surgery tomorrow. e is quite anxious as he just recently lost his wife to cancer. Your prayers are appreciated

Thank you
Pray Daily
Please PRAY DAILY for Jane Campbell. She went to Mayo yesterday and some of the reports were not as good as expected. The doctors say the She is a Miracle!

The Great Physician has touched her many times and can do it again!
Please Pray!
One of our friends who attends church is having cancer surgery on Tuesday morning 8/25/15. We are asking for prayer for her.

Thank you
Gary & Cheryl Seat
Prayer for Joe Rheim
Joe is having EKG this morning. Yesterday he had X-ray and saw doctor. He is retaining fluid again. Now he has leaking Aorta artery and pacemaker may not be working. #1 is to reduce fluid. Then he will see doctor again on Monday.

Thank you for you prayers
Sally Rheim
Prayer Warriors Needed :)
My friend Tracy's Mom fell and fractured her back...while looking into this they found a large mass on her back and have determined it to be cancer. She has an appointment this afternoon and then a bone scan on Thursday! Please pray for healing for her and peace for the family.
Prayer for Bob Sheenan
Some of you may already know that my husband, Bob, has a confirmed diagnosis of lung cancer. Surgery will be Monday, August 24th. It was a blessing it was caught accidentally due to the pneumonia he had the end of June. Please join me in prayer for his surgery and recovery. Thank You and God Bless, Betty Sheehan 8/24/15
Prayer for Frances
Please pray for mercy for my Aunt Frances in Alabama. Had to have emergency surgery, is 93 years young.
Helen Johnson 8/24/5
Prayer Needed
On Thursday my daughter Bonnie was admitted to the Hospital with a stroke. Bonnie is 54 yrs. young and lives in SC.
Tonight my son Scott was admitted to the Hospital with sever heart arithmia. Scott is 44 yrs. young and lives in WA.

Deloris Haven
Kennedy Family
I just received a call for prayer for the Kennedy family. Richie K was involved in a rollover accident. It appears he had a broken neck & sternum. They are waiting to talk to the neurosurgeon. Please pray for Richie, his wife Heather, & the kids.
Update on Richie Kennedy
Richie was involved in the fatal rollover accident at 75th and Glendale. (The one making the headline news this evening) The other car ran the red light hitting Richie. He has a broken neck, thoracic vertebrae, and sternum. As well as significant bruising in his lungs. We will wait to get more news from the neurosurgeon in the morning. We are praising God for the care he has given Richie and our family in all of this!! The boys were wanting to go with him to check the fields but he said they ought to just stay and play cards with my mom Heide and I and he'd be back shortly to join in. I am so grateful that they were not in there with him!! Our family devotion time today was spent on the topic of not worrying, that God has us all in his hands. So fitting for what we were about to experience! The way this whole day has played out, though traumatic and unfortunate has really been a blessing in strengthening the faith of all of us. The kids, bless their hearts, have even commented on feeling God's hand through all of this. Gives chills! Thank you so very much for all of your prayers. You are all a tremendous blessing!
Kim Wilson
Please pray for Kim Wilson of Casa Grande who just found out she has breast cancer. Surgery will be within the next few weeks. At this point the stage is not known.

Kim is the stepmother to my granddaughter, Reilly.

Thank you!
Carol (Daugherty) Kennedy
Prayer Needed
Judith's Mom Edie Ridenour has a high fever for 3+ days along with other complications. Dad put her in the hospital. Doctors think a ruptured spleen, appendix or sepsis - working on infection today and thickening her blood so can do surgery. Family has asked our Church to PRAY!

Praise Reports

Successful Amputation
I would like to thank everyone who prayed for my sister Pat in Amarillo. The amputation was successful and she is now in recovery. Next week she is moving to rehab and will soon be fitted with a new leg. With the Lords help she is keeping a positive outlook. Thanks again, Johnny Watson
Praiser Report
Thank you for all the prayers for my husband Jim Hardin. They inserted the Defibulator this afternoon. He is doing fine and will be home tomorrow. PRAISE GOD!. Thank you Cowboy Church for sincere prayers! God Bless each of you!

In Christ
Torchie Hardin
Praise the Lord!!
Pastor Morris went to his heart specialist today. His EKG was exactly normal and doctor said, "You will not be needing pacemaker soon!

Thank you for your Love, Support and Prayers!
Thank you for all your Prayers!!
I would like to thank you for all of your prayers for my friend Tracy's Mom. She went to the spine specialist today and the mass is gone!! No Cancer!! Prayers work :) Glory to God!

Thank you for your prayers
Thank ya'll for all the prayers that went out for my son Jimmy. His brain tumor has not grown Praise God.
Helen Johnson 8/24/15
Give God the Glory!
Tuesday night after Church my wife Laura and I were hit by a severe micro burst . It was so terrifying when our SUV was pushed off the road by extreme wind. We sat there and watched 8 power poles fall.

The Fire Chief of Regional fire and rescue, where I work as a Chaplain and a support services volunteer, dispatched a fire truck immediately. I know God placed us in a spot in the road where we didn't get hit by Power poles. A couple feet either direction and we would have been crushed. So I just wanted to share my story with you to show how God is so wonderful. And I give him praise for sparing our lives that night.

Chaplain Keith

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Nursery, Kids Korral, and Branded Youth: 10:45AM
Tuesday Service: 6:30 PM

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18171 W Hopi Dr
Casa Grande, AZ 85122

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